If you’re an artist, rapper, producer or a promoter and you want that extra bit of PR, advertising space, articles and reviews or even some additional support with music production, mixing and mastering or song creation, then just choose from the options below, or use the contact submission form to get in touch and give us information about your campaign.
Killa Tapes is a grassroots, independent music platform and so maximising profits is not our primary concern. It’s for the love yo! Because of that, the rates and prices for the services you’ll find here are by far some of the most competitive in the music industry right now. We have a team of writers, promoters, mixing and mastering engineers, along with our printed quarterly magazine, a range of regular, weekly scheduled radio shows and an android app on the Google Play Store; we have a structured platform for real, underground music promotion and distribution. So, get involved, and get in touch for more information.